Real Estate Cheerleaders!

Cheerleading, for me, is about the stunts. It’s the synchronized movement with the music, whatever the music may be; the dynamic stunts; the rush, the feel of boundless energy. This is what captivates the audience.

What does it take to make the cut? It’s not by sheer will, but by constant self-discipline. “Will” is “the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action,” but that isn’t a guarantee you’ll persevere. “Discipline” is to “train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way,” and once it’s a habit, it becomes too easy that you sometimes do it so effortlessly that you barely notice the action is already done.

Now the fun part: let’s talk about the uniforms, music, girls!… and guys. Those are marketing strategies: the team tries to “sell” their stunts to the audience. The uniforms and music are added factors. The upbeat music is matched with the stunts that they do. Sometimes, the music isn’t the most upbeat one out there, or the uniforms are a bit tacky, but that’s not what the audience is clamoring for. The audience is there for the stunts: stunts that took time, effort, discipline to master; stunts that, when executed properly, would make you think how that move was even possible and command you to go stand up on your feet and shout “whoa!” and “wooo!”

If you want to join but you’re thinking that the market is already saturated and the possibility of winning is slim, then you’re not thinking big. You can make the local competition your strength. Compete in small groups first then work your way to the major league. If you have no qualms jumping straight to the major league, go ahead! Just make sure you gave enough time and effort to improve the chance of winning.

Let’s try to understand real estate by putting their similarities side by side using the points mentioned in cheerleading.

The selling point in cheerleading is the stunts. Try to think of that as the property being sold or rented; that’s the basic commodity. The added amenities, same as the catchy uniforms, are a plus and can be a playing factor, but the property itself is the highlight. It takes time, effort, and expenses to maintain a good property, but if well-maintained, becomes worth it.

The real estate business has its highs and lows. Notice the tempo beat? It slows down then gets aggressive again, and the cheerleaders must be able to follow that pace. To survive in real estate, you must know how to go with the flow, survive the ebbs and brace the waves.

The real estate business is always saturated, there’s no lack of land, but try to find strengths in your local area, or if bold enough, even out of your geographical location.

If you want to jump in the real estate bandwagon, you must have the discipline for it. You won’t survive through will alone. Remember that nothing worth having comes easy.


GOOD NEWS! Home Buyers: 2015 Real Estate

In the United States of America, the real estate is currently booming.  It started when the majority of business in America went into recession. Foreclosed properties increased between year 2006-2007.

RealtyTrac reported that since September 2008, the median-sale price of single-family homes and condos in October has reached its highest mark. The increase in the home property value and foreclosures made great market competitions among real estate investors, paying in cash, where traditional buyers are having a hard time to compete.

According to the chief economist for, Stan Humphries, predicts that market value of home properties will downtrend to approximately three percent annually instead of the six percent seen recently. Real estate investors will not be attracted to invest, wherein traditional buyers will have more chance on purchasing properties and balance in market will commence.

Home Buyers’ year

Finally we have our own house!
Finally we have our own house!

Home buyer’s with regular jobs or with moderate income will now be able to get into market.  Many millennial postponed or stopped owning a house, but that may the other way around for 2015. “By the end of 2015, millennial buyers will represent the largest group of home-buyers, taking over from Generation X,” Humphries says.

With fewer homes underwater, baby boomers will also be able to play in the market.

Lower Mortgages

Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae recently announced a new program.’s chief economist Nela Richardson says, “Freddy and Fannie have always been the industry leaders, and they’re saying, ‘It’s OK to lend to people who don’t have 5 percent down. It’s OK to extend credit in a reasonable and safe manner,”

Mortgage brokers are confident that the real estate industry will be prosperous.

Real estate investors’ good news.

Property market value in well established places will likely to get more expensive, which real estate market investors will eye and bet on.  Unlike for places that has economic and political disruption make market an unattractive option to invest or buy.

According to CityReality Levy, “Hong Kong, Moscow and Dubai are no longer ‘safe’ investment spots compared to New York and London,” while cities such as Boulder, Colo. and Austin, Texas that have become technology hubs already established themselves as a good real estate investment.

On the other side of the coin, inland California suffered a five-year long drought that has devastated crops and ranching in the typically fertile valley that stretches for hundreds of miles from Chico to Bakersfield, went down with the last real estate crash, said Daren Blomquist of RealtyTrac.



